THATCamp HBCU is slowly taking form! Wanna help?


Hi, all y’all!

I just wanted to let you know that THATCAMP HBCU is becoming a reality (slowly).

We have our website up, and we are working really hard.  I have been joined in my quest by an awesome and amazing Ph.D. fellow from Emory, Moya Bailey (THANK YOU EMORY DiSC!!).

We are working on the conference now, and it will be held in the beginning of June 2012 at the Atlanta University Center Library (we are still playing with dates–more later!).

At this point, we are kicking ideas around on a WIKI.

If you would like to offer assistance, suggestions, or just loiter and listen, please request an invitation to the WIKI.  We would love some input on Bootcamps and Developer Challenges, etc.

The WIKI is at:

We also have a Gmail for the conference:  

And, of course, we have a twitter account @thatcamphbcu


Michelle Kassorla, Ph.D.

Clark Atlanta University


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About Michelle Kassorla

Michelle Kassorla is a Lecturer in the WISE/QEP program at Clark Atlanta University. She has a Ph.D. in Ethnic American Literatures from Bowling Green State University, a Master's Degree in English from Humboldt State University, and a Bachelors in English and Journalism from Bowling Green State University.

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